Glittering Charm and #doDifferent

A beautiful piece of jewellery holds a special allure for all of us. A combination of rare and fine materials combined with the expression of precision craftsmanship feels precious and valuable.

Sadly, the jewellery industry carries a dark legacy of conflict around precious stones and abuses relating to the extractive industries producing gold and silver. Many modern jewellery makers are working hard to change this legacy and create an industry that does good.

One of the South African jewellery makers striving to #doDifferent in their business journey is Dear Rae. Launched in 2010, Dear Rae produces an extensive range of jewellery and accessories, from rings and bangles to necklaces and earrings. They have always held sustainability and empowerment as the driving force behind the business.

Regarding sustainability, Dear Rae takes great care to ensure that the diamonds they deal with are conflict-free, and all other gems are properly certified by various international bodies ensuring compliance with global ethical standards.

They further put a lot of effort into ensuring their processes limit waste as much as possible and do not use environmentally destructive chemicals – this means recycling as much of their own materials as possible and being highly selective of cleaning and processing products. Then there are their social commitments, and where they truly #doDifferent.

Dear Rae have pledged to donate 5% of the profit across their range of products to a range of social and environmental initiatives. These include:

·         Breadline Africa – implementing feeding programmes in poor communities and helping to create safe learning spaces for children. 

·         Juliet Crew – an all-female independent firefighting crew promoting equality and delivering a vital community service.

·         I AM WATER – promoting ocean conservation by influencing behaviour and working with local communities to foster a love for the ocean.

So, if you are looking for that special gift for the person in your life, or a special something for yourself, why not choose to #doDifferent and support a company working to change an industry legacy and give back to a country deeply affected by that legacy.

Check out Dear Rae here.

Images by: Dear Rae Jewellery