#doDifferent: Shades for Shade

Your choice of sunglasses is a way that you could #doDifferent

This Guy’ (no really, that is the brand name) is a sunglasses brand that aims to provide South Africa’s best and most affordable, polarized wooden sunglasses.

Founded by a group of avid triathletes, the brand is about giving you shades that are as environmentally friendly as possible - hence the wooden sunglasses - but also provide shade for generations to come. They do this by partnering with one of the world's largest reforestation not for profit organisations, who will see to it that 10 trees are planted in Africa for every pair of sunglasses sold.

Why is this a good thing? Well according to ‘This Guy’, deforestation in Africa is accelerating at twice the global rate and roughly 90% of the original forests of West Africa and Madagascar have been wiped out. Clearly cause for concern and a reason to take action.

Reforestation is a solution and ‘This Guy’ partners with Eden Reforestation Projects to this end. Eden Projects adopt an ‘employ to plant’ methodology that means the members of local communities benefit from their reforestation programmes. To find out more about the problem (deforestation) and the solution (reforestation), visit This Guy’s not for Profit Partner, The Eden Projects.

To find out how you can choose to #doDifferent and choose shades for shade, click here and make your choice of sunglasses meaningful.

Images by: This Guy and Eden Reforestation Project